Thursday, March 31, 2011

On My Mind Today...

Woodpiles and Autumn leaves

There is a distinctive chill in the air in the evenings and mornings. It won"t be long before we are lighting indoor fires every day. I am looking forward to the comforting cheer of crackling fires, read-aloud stories, basking dogs, mittens, steaming soup.

Thank you Rhonda for this "on your mind" Friday idea.


  1. oh i so am feeling that chill to even the children are having a hard time rising out of there snug warm beds of a morning lol ...we went to gase heating last winter.. and it's a regret now ..i miss the wood fire soooo much , and the gase heating gives me and one of my girls dry eye's .. i have to make sure there's water in the heater it helps a little....

  2. Beautiful pic, Cath. My stinkwood is dropping leaves by the bag...autumn chills are in the air...

  3. What a gorgeous photo. And thanks for the lovely comment you left on my blog about fattening my wee gal up. Good advice, all of it.

  4. love this pic. seems you are headed into the season I am ready to be done with. today I bought phlox and blueberry plants...we're almost in gardening season!! woohoo!
